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    Our Services

    Fire Claims

    If you have had a fire it is vital to act fast. Damage to both your property and its contents can be devastating. If alternate accommodation is required then we will help arrange like-for-like housing at no extra cost.

    Your insurer will employ a loss adjuster whose job it is to minimize your claim as much as possible. Salmon Assessors will manage your claim and ensure the maximum settlement.

    Learn More About Home Fire Claims

    Learn More About Business Fire Claims

    Burglary Claims

    Being burgled is often a traumatic experience which isn’t helped when your insurance company starts treating you as the culprit. The insurer’s loss adjuster will do everything in their power to minimise your claim or even pay you nothing at all.

    Salmon Assessors have specialised in burglary claims for over 30-years, no other Loss Assessor will be able to get you more or match the support we give you through this tough time.

    Learn More About Home Burglary Claims

    Learn More About Business Burglary Claims

    Flood Claims

    Flood and water damage claims need to be dealt with quickly and efficiently to get your life back on track as quickly as possible. Stopping the flow of water and drying out the property need to be undertaken at the earliest moment possible to avoid further damage.

    Insurance companies are known for acting very slowly on these types of claims, and they will do everything they can to avoid paying the policyholder. Salmon Assessors will manage your claim and get you every penny that you are entitled to.

    Learn More About Home Flood Claims

    Learn More About Business Flood Claims

    Business Interruption

    There are many reasons that a company suffers financial loss due to unforeseen circumstances. If your business is insured for consequential loss, then Salmon Assessors ensure that you receive the highest possible settlement.

    Your insurers will employ a loss adjuster will try and pay you a pittance of what you can actually claim. It’s not just about your immediate loss, often, it’s future losses that you don’t anticipate that can be the most damaging. Our forensic accountants purely specialise in business interruption claims and know every rule in the book. Contact us now to find out more.

    Learn More About Business Interruption Claims




    Established in 1983, Salmon Assessors are acknowledged both by the media and our clients as the UK’s leading insurance claim negotiators. No other loss assessor can legitimately claim to be able to guarantee a higher settlement from your insurers.

    Your insurance company will employ a loss adjuster whose sole purpose is to minimize your claim as much as possible or ideally, for them, to pay you nothing at all.

    We are best known for achieving phenomenal results where other loss adjusters and loss assessors fail. We don’t know the meaning of “give-up” and we’ll fight your corner until we get you the highest possible settlement. We are the company that other loss adjusters often turn to when they need advice!

    Many of our potential clients believe that we are independent. We are not! To be “independent” means “precisely” that!  It is impossible to be truly independent if you’re being paid by only one party. We get paid by you or by your building contractors, so we are obviously always going to fight your corner. The loss adjuster acting for the insurance company is being paid by them. Thus he will always be fighting their corner. But you don’t have to take our word for it. A few years ago The Insurance Ombudsman himself confirmed that “Whenever there is doubt, the Loss Adjuster, as the representative of the Insurance Company, will always side with the insurer who is paying his fees”.

    For an impartial opinion on Loss Assessors then please read this excellent article from Money Saving Expert.


    If you’re making a claim of over £3,000, your insurance company will instruct a loss adjuster to ‘investigate’ your claim. The loss adjusters task is to establish what, in his/her opinion, it should cost to repair property damage or replace possessions.

    They stress that they provide an entirely independent service but it will not take very long for you to come to the inevitable conclusion that their independence seldom falls in your favour. This is not particularly surprising not least that it isn’t you paying for their services!

    The very reason that companies like Salmon Assessors exist is due to the gross negligence with which the insurers’ appointed Loss Adjusters treat policyholders.

    We are insurance claim management experts, also known as Loss Assessors. Salmon Assessors are skilful insurance claim negotiators who will guide you through the technical complexities of making even, what may seem, a simple insurance claim.

    It is the loss assessors job to ensure that the claim progresses quickly, efficiently and, probably most importantly, ensuring that you get every single penny to which you are entitled. The insurer’s loss adjuster will do all they can to hinder the process, and it’s our role to stop this from happening.

    In much the same way that you would not dream of going to a court of law without being represented by a lawyer; or being represented by an accountant if you had a tax investigation, Salmon Assessors offers you the complete insurance claim management service.

    We primarily deal with, fire, flood, burglary and business interruption claims. We do not cover personal injury or car incidents.

    Being under-insured can have a huge effect on your claim. It essentially allows the insurance company to reduce the settlement figure severely; they could even reject your claim for gross under-insurance. The issue is that under-insurance isn’t as clear cut as some insurance companies will try to make you think.

    In the case of a burglary, a common tactic is for the loss adjuster to try to overstate the value of items that haven’t been stolen. This is all to make it look like you are not adequately insured (when actually you are).

    Our role as loss assessors is to build up a conclusive list of items to present to the loss adjuster. If you are worried about under-insurance then it is of the utmost importance to speak to us as soon as possible.

    Salmon Assessors have been dealing with under-insurance claims for over 30-year and we know every trick that your insurance company will try. We guarantee to get you every single penny you are owed. The more money you get, the more money we get; there couldn’t be a better incentive!

    Our customers come to us at all stages of the claim process, but ideally, we should be instructed from the very beginning. Being instructed from the start allows us to put everything into motion in the best way possible.

    Many policyholders contact us 1-2 months into their claim after they notice that the insurers are either heavily delaying the claim or attempting to absolve themselves from any responsibility.

    When the insurer’s appointed loss adjuster meets you for the first time, they will be very friendly to try and lull you into a false sense of security. It is in that very meeting when they try and get you to slip up into saying something that may invalidate your claim. Do not be fooled by this; one wrong move can have a huge impact on your settlement figure.   Salmon Assessors can still be employed at this point, but the claim won’t be as plain sailing as it could have been.

    Sometimes potential clients will have already had their claim rejected before they contact us. Coming to us at this late stage does make the claims process particularly tricky and overturning a decision isn’t something that is done lightly. In our over 30-year history, Salmon Assessors has managed to reverse thousands of claims that would never have been paid without our intervention.

    Our initial consultation is undertaken without any obligation or charge whatsoever.

    If we are then appointed to deal our fees are based on a small percentage of the value of the claim, on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis. As such, it is in our mutual benefit to ensure we achieve the maximum settlement amount on your behalf.

    No, and don’t worry! In the 30-years we have been negotiating insurance claims, we can count the claims that haven’t been paid on one hand.

    We like to work with firms that specialise in building insurance claims and we’ll be delighted to suggest one of these independent experts to work in your interests where appropriate. In our experience, a surveyor appointed by a Loss Adjuster maintains the same bias in the interest of saving insurers money. Surveyor’s fees, when required, are covered within the terms of your policy.

    It is sensible to seek the services of a Loss Assessor for claims above £10,000. However, Salmon Assessors will be delighted to provide guidance for any claim, simply phone our Customer Help Centre and speak to one of our trained advisors.

    We have many clients that for one reason or another did not have insurance. This in itself can be a problem, however, if it can be demonstrated that the third party causing the damage has been negligent, then we can pursue a claim on your behalf.

    Insurance Claims Advice

    You have every right to assume that your insurance company will honour your insurance contract and pay you out with the same speed when you paid your insurance premium. Unfortunately, this rarely happens and so often your insurers rely on the small print to reduce your claim. The vast majority of insurance claimants are under the very naïve impression that the loss adjusters employed by your insurers are independent. In fact, many policyholders express great surprise when they quickly realise that the loss adjuster is not independent and is, in fact, paid by your insurer to represent their interests, not yours. We are Salmon Assessors, the UK’s best known Insurance Claim Management Consultants also known as Loss Assessors. Salmon...

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    Would you like to speak to one of our Loss Assessors? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.

    Salmon Assessors, Room 2, The Summit, 40 Highgate West Hill, London N6 6LS